Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Aprons by Rielee

The girls had just gotten out of the tub tonight when Rielee came over with a surprise for them-aprons she made in her sewing class.   She was really proud of them, they were both supposed to have pockets, she said, but she forgot Ava's so she put a "yo-yo" on it instead.   She was just finishing them up when we picked her up from her class last night.  It's funny, she was sewing standing up, her teacher said she had a couple other kids that did that, too.  Rielee was sad that sewing was over for the year and is hoping the teacher will have a couple of special sewing days this summer. It's such a happy place to sew, I love the signs on the walls - "Finished is better than perfect" and "Keep calm and sew on".  Ava and Harper will get lots of use out of their special aprons.

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