Thursday, August 28, 2014

Playing at Aunt Cathy's/Meet the teacher night

 What a busy day.  It started at Aunt Cathy's playing on the ride-ons, then the girls were playing dogcatcher, Rielee would catch them with a hula hoop and put them in the kennel.  Then they went to the the tree fort and tried out the zip lines.  Harper did it first but was afraid of the short drop onto the platform, Ava did it once and was fine.  They played on the hammock, in the sandbox, ending up inside to play downstairs in the "apartment". 
 Bridget had a tea party with her new tea set.  Later, she and Jillian came up to swim in the pool but it was too cold so they all  moved to the play fort and sandbox.
 Ava and Harper got to meet their teachers tonight.  First they met Mrs. Davis, who teaches in the morning, then Mrs. Macindoe (I didn't get a picture of her) who teaches the afternoon session.  Mrs. Davis has a daughter at Union who played volleyball with Lexi so she recognized Ava and Harper. 
 Harper sitting in the reading corner, they checked that area out thoroughly and also the play kitchen.
Ava sitting in her spot in Team 5, Harper sits close by in Team 4.  They will only go to school on Wednesday next week, have Thursday and Friday off, then start on their regular schedule the following Monday.

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