Monday, August 11, 2014

Emmy's classroom

Uncle in the corner,  where he deserved to be.  He wasn't very supportive when we went to help
Emmy organize her classroom.  He couldn't understand her desk arrangement, or anything else for that matter, and wasn't afraid to voice his goofy opinions.   Actually,  she got little encouragement from her Dad or boyfriend either, mostly harassment, none of them could understand why it takes a few tries to get a room set up right...pretty comical really, maybe it was the heat that took away their sense of humor! 
But Em was happy with the progress she made.  Instead of a jumble of desks and furniture against the wall, she has her reading corner situated, complete with all the books she has collected over the summer, the kid's desks and her desk in place and she can refine the rest from there-hopefully on a cooler day, it was about 85 in there tonight.

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