Tuesday, August 19, 2014

More pool fun

Since we got the old school desk, the kids have been taking turns drawing pictures of each other.  Today was Ava's turn to pose for Harper.
Harper was very happy with her picture.
I left the girls with Papa for awhile this morning and went to Kalama to help Emmy in her room. Rick stopped in with the kids before going to work in his room. 
When I got home, Rielee asked if she could make tie-dye pancakes for lunch.  They picked green, blue and pink.  Ava and Harper thought the pink pancakes tasted funny and wouldn't eat them.  Then we went to the pool where Rielee put on a show for the girls, doing silly jumps,
Harper had to get in on the fun and jumped in, too.  She tried it a second time but did a belly flop and got water up her nose so she was done.
Rielee on the Orca she bought at Kah-Nee-Ta, she doesn't play with it much because it's kind of big and hard to stay on.

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