Friday, February 28, 2014

Twins Pet Works Field Trip

Watching a hermit crab, Ava was backing away, just in case
 The pre-school field trip to the pet store was kind of traumatic for Ava.  She was freaked out by a snake first, but then settled down as the lady showed them other animals.  She even took a good look at a lizard, and really liked the parrots.  But later when she got too close to an open box of crickets  she was suddenly holding on to my leg with tears in her eyes saying she wanted to go home! 
 Ava looking at the turtle, they both said that was their favorite animal, it was a girl turtle.
Oh, and the stuffed animal toys, they thought it was weird that they didn't have eyes, but would have taken one anyway. 

1 comment:

  1. Here is a video of the girls at the fort that day.
