Saturday, February 8, 2014

And more snow

The kids had fun on the snow tube today.
  Rielee, Parker, Auna and even Des tried it out,
 then they got out the 4-wheeler and the bunbuster and started giving each other rides.   Rielee got to play some snow tetherball with Dan, too, she got a kick out of that.
Rielee getting a ride from Parker with Dan riding on the back for weight. 
Auna had the funniest ride-she was headed for a small tree in the yard and she stayed on and went right over it and then fell off.   Des was on the back with Parker driving and she was howling with laughter, then they came up over the driveway and Des fell off !   Auna had several rides and when she finally got off,  she looked very funny and cold with her face, hair and scarf caked with snow. 
Des and Gabe had everyone over for cards in the evening.  It was a Dolan sweep with Emmy finally taking out Parker to win at 31 and Auna beat out Des to win the poker game.  Oh, and I beat Rielee at a game of checkers.  Fun day.

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