Monday, February 3, 2014

Super Bowl half-time birthday party

 14 yr. old Parker and I (social security age, yikes!) had a quick birthday party at Gabe and Des' during half-time, it was fun, everybody was happy since the Seahawks were winning big time.  Note that Parker is now taller than me. 
 The older cousins posed for a picture, the little girls were busy playing in Rielee's room.
Trying to rearrange the girl's room last week at one point I had their beds close together and Harper just went crazy, excited with the thought that we could keep them that way and then if Ava woke up scared she could hold her hand.  I said we could try it and they happily went to bed last night and proceeded to play and giggle for a half an hour before I gave up and brought them out with me. Though once asleep and back in their beds, they did sleep through the night. 

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