Friday, September 20, 2013

Bridget, making sprinkles

The twins had a successful week of pre-school, they love it so much.  They are beaming when we drop them off and pick them up.  Two days this week they drew pictures to take to their teacher.  Today Harper drew a picture of the teacher and Ava drew a picture of herself.  Their drawings are getting more detailed, often with clothes now and Ava gave herself curly hair. 
After school, we went to Aunt Cathy's to give Bridget a birthday present.  Ava and Harper made a bee-line for the toys, they missed all of Cathy's fun stuff.  Bridget opened her present and sat at the table playing with it while Ava and Harper busied themselves with the dollhouses, kitchen, and easel. 
 One day last week during naptime we were watching Sandra Lee, the girls favorite cooking show, they call her "the pretty lady" and they like that she always has a fancy dessert on the counter and everything is color coordinated to match her clothes.  She was making sugar cookies and showed how to make your own sprinkles by putting sugar and food coloring in a baggie and squishing it around.  Harper was so excited and told me that we had to try it, after all, sprinkles are one of their favorite things.  So today we did it and the girls had so much fun.
They only problem was that, oops, the cookies were so good that there were only 2 left for them to take home!  We have lots of sprinkles left over, though, so more cookies next week!

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