Monday, September 9, 2013

4-wheeling cuties

Ava and Harper had a good day at school, they started learning sign language and remembered all the signs they worked on in class.  After lunch, they couldn't wait to get outside and play.  They did some pretty realistic 4-wheeling in their Jeep this afternoon.  We took  them over to Gabe and Des's to the little hill that Papa rides them up and down on the lawnmower.  They loved it and would scream so loud when they went down!

They just kept going, around and around...

until they were getting so tired and goofy that they weren't steering very well.  Then it was time to pose for a picture and park that puppy.
In the evening, Parker and I went to watch James play in Kelso.  Good game but they lost 13-12.

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