Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Pool pix

Emmy's cousins Gracie and Jack following along as she chased Ava and Harper in the Jeep.  They thought it was pretty comical watching the twins drive. 
We went to the pool later, where they all posed for pictures.
They had to do this jump several times before we caught them all airborne.
Day 3 of swimming lessons started out rough, Ava was tired and cried for a half an hour.  Once she stopped though she had fun and did well, even starting to learn to beaver dive at the end.  Harper's teacher thought she was doing well enough to try floating on her back and kicking without her floaties on, she almost had it and then she went under a little, her face got wet and she swallowed some water.  When she came out she marched right over to me to report that she didn't like that one bit!

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