Monday, August 26, 2013

Games and homework

The girls played lots of games today, starting with Horton Hears A Who.  Rielee played an condensed version of it that they could easily understand and enjoy.  They really had fun.  They played Tumblin' Monkeys after that and did lots of homework.  Ava worked on her writing, she wrote "Mom" today and was so excited.  Harper and Rielee worked on math.  All summer for her homework I've had Rielee writing about her summer break, it was like pulling teeth, she didn't want to do it at all.  But math she loves and happily did her 3 pages in just a few minutes.  Harper enjoys counting and is doing well learning numbers.  They went over to see Uncle Alan with the Jeep and played with his magnets.  Then they went to the play fort, Alan followed us over and we got to watch them ride in the Jeep.  It was hilarious, Rielee was chasing them, and they just laughed and laughed as she ran after them all over the field.  She tried unsuccessfully to stand and then sit on the back of the Jeep and catch a ride, but that made the girls do wheelies, not good.  Ava and Harper's driving skills are much improved.  Auna stopped by after volleyball and they all watched old YouTube videos of themselves, lots of laughs there.

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