Friday, August 30, 2013

Macee's Bulldog debut

Macee only played for a few minutes today but had a great attitude about it.  She laughed and said her passing was 100%, 2 for 2 perfect passes!  She was just glad to get in and play.  Gonzaga lost to Portland State 3-0, they play Boise State and UW tomorrow .
Gonzaga fans Rielee and Auna
Rielee couldn't believe it when she got back from going to the bathroom and found that I accidentally gave away her seat-- an old man  asked me if those seats were taken and didn't understand when I said one of them was, and plopped his wife right in Rielee's seat...oops.  The girls had to move and sit by us, Rielee was not too happy.

A family picture afterwards.

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