Monday, May 20, 2013

Little servers, softball

First thing every morning lately, the girls get out the PlayDoh, cut out a bunch of "cookies", and then serve them to us, along with other food.  Harper has them stacked up her arm, they both serve this way-apparently, they really study the waitresses when they eat in restaurants.  Ava likes to fix a nice plate, she will work for a long time to make it look just perfect.
Wearing their new sundresses,  Ava's with princesses and Harper's with Tinkerbell.  Their hair looks crazy because they had been running through the sprinkler.
Rielee came over after school with a bucket of balls, mitts and her batting helmet and asked if I would play softball with her.  I told her I had no softball skills, but she didn't care, and ran home to get a bat, which she had forgotten.  As we played, she was very encouraging, even telling me I was a "natural" when I hit the ball, so funny!

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