Thursday, May 30, 2013


Harper and Ava had a busy morning.  They made sun catchers and birthday cards to give to Lexi, it's her 15th birthday today.  I was proud of them because they both wrote Lexi's name on their cards, then they decorated sacks to put their gifts in.   
They were so disappointed to wake up from their nap and find it was raining again.  We sang "rain rain go away" but it didn't help, Harper said we had to sing louder and was on the verge of tears, so I told them they could make donuts instead.  They concentrated on decorating some to take home for their family and did a great job.  It is a chaotic, messy experience but they sure enjoy it.  Afterwards, the sun came out so we went for a walk to pick flowers, swing on the big swing, feed some grass to the chickens, and play in the creek. 

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