Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wound up girls

 This was a crazy day with the girls.  It started in the morning when Uncle Alan showed up with a bag of his chocolate & peanut butter covered malted milk balls.  After eating a couple of those, they got busy playing and Harper started a hide and seek game with Alan's hat, and then both she and Ava were wound up good.  They went down for a nap easily, though, not long after Alan left.  They got to play outside in the afternoon, did some swinging and sandbox time.  In the evening, David and Laury stopped by to visit.   David, too,  got the twins wound up with some tickling games, they put on a show and were acting super silly by the time it was over.  They didn't want David to leave.  Alan stopped by again later and the fun with Harper and his hat continued (she hid it in the bookcase and in the shower)  as did the showing-off and silliness.  They finally settled down and played restaurant with us.  Bedtime was a easy,  they had completely worn themselves out.
Trying to convince David to stay.

Rielee came over to finish a beading project and Ava and Harper wanted to make something also.  Ava worked for over an hour on her project, patiently working away on it.   Harper kept changing her beads and finally asked for some help to finish hers.

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