Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Grandma Barb

I love these pictures of Grandma Barb and the girls that Kelly had on Facebook.
 Ava wanted to paint this afternoon and when I got the paints out, I found some wooden Easter eggs I had bought and completely forgot about.  As they were painting the eggs, I asked who they were going to give them to-"Grandma Barb" was their answer.  Then Harper got emotional, saying how she missed Grandma and wanted to go to the hospital to see her.  Ava talked about how the doctor was making her better.  I texted Kelly and she said she had planned to take them to the hospital tonight after she picked them up.  Then Grandma Barb called and both girls talked to her for a bit, that perked them right up!  They finished their eggs, painted some other pictures for Mommy, decorated a bag to take their eggs in, and were the most cooperative kids ever while getting ready to go, they were so excited!  Barb said she is feeling better and hoping to be back home soon.

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