Sunday, March 31, 2013


Someone's egg rolled out of bounds.
Easter was at the Dolan house this year, and what a beautiful Easter it was.  Fabulous weather, great food and lots of family to celebrate with. First we ate, then played Frisbee golf, did the egg roll and the raw egg toss.  Frisbee golf was funny when James was aiming for the 3rd target, which was on the woodshed,  his Frisbee went into the shed and landed in the back, behind all the rows of wood.  He tried to climb in and get it, but ended up just getting another Frisbee. 
Bridget, Rielee, Ava, Jillian and Harper-ready to hunt eggs
 The little girls hunted eggs in their own section of the lawn first. 
 They found lots of eggs.
They're off!
 The older cousins were split into two teams, and they hunted in the woods.  Boys versus girls, they were supposed to stay together and hold onto a towel, but it wasn't long before the boys were all hunting separately, so the girls gave up on the rules, too.  The girls won. 
Rielee and Harper checking out their baskets

A big highlight of Rielee's day was holding and feeding her newest baby cousin Torian.  He is such a cutie.
We had so much going on this year that we forgot to take a picture of all the cousins together!

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