Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pumpkin cookies

After playing with Rielee this afternoon and hearing how she was making cookies to take to her Halloween party tomorrow, Harper and Ava decided they wanted to make cookies, too.   That worked out well since they were staying over and we needed something to do after dinner.  Ava said she wanted to make "orange" cookies like they decorated at home the other night.  I was very pleased with the way they took turns adding ingredients and stirring. 
Harper put every bit of her frosting on her first cookie, it was about an inch thick.  They thought Papa's cookie was weird since he frosted it half orange and half green.  When we were finished, we took some over to the Dolan's and to Alan and Vera.  They liked the delivering part since we took the red car without carseats in the back and I drove kind of  hurky jerky so they had a hard time staying in the seat, lots of squealing going on back there.

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