Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Treehouse, crowns and Senior night

Harper checking out the Spooky treehouse we made this morning.  They had so much fun decorating it.

Ava's fascination with crowns, princess dresses and her little doggie continues, today the doggie needed a crown.  She packs that little dog everywhere.

Tonight was Senior night for Macee and Tierney.  It was an emotional night but Macee was happy, she's ready to move on.  The Rockets could still play at home for district if they win Saturday.  They beat Ilwaco in 3 tonight.


Tonight was Senior night for Macee and Tierney.  No tears from Macee, she is happy to be a Senior and ready to move on.   They could still play their district games at home if they beat King's Way on Saturday. They beat Ilwaco tonight in 3.

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