Monday, October 1, 2012

Busy Sunday

It was a busy day with the kids. Parker had us all up very early because he was going fishing with Grandpa.  After he left, Auna came over and had breakfast with us and hung out with Rielee.  I made some cookie dough to bake later and then went outside to work.  When Parker got home from fishing (no luck there), he and Papa went to Prospectors and Winco.  Rielee made us a picnic lunch and set it up on the front lawn, then she helped me do some watering.  She brought a cookbook home from school Friday and wanted to try one of the recipes, so she made these pretzel sticks with a mini-marshallow stuck on the end and then dipped in white chocolate and covered with sprinkles.  Auna helped her with them and Rielee thought they were quite tasty.  Uncle Alan stopped over to visit and he agreed that they were good.  Then they made "fall leaves" sugar cookies.  Rielee wanted to make brown frosting so she dumped in all the food colors and it came out an awful dark, yucky color, but she wouldn't admit that it was bad until she frosted a cookie and it didn't look very appetizing, then she wanted to make red leaves instead.  After dinner, Papa watched football and the kids and I went outside,  I did some more pruning and they played until it got dark.

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