Monday, October 10, 2011

Sick Harper

Poor little Harper was sick this morning and threw up as soon as she got here. Papa said she had drank a lot of water on the way here, and Charb said she seemed kind of sad with her head on his shoulder. I didn't want to feed her anything but she was starving and begging for food when we were fixing breakfast so we went ahead and let her eat, hoping it would stay down. It did, but she was very tired and listless all morning and just wanted to be held. Papa kept a bowl close by just in case Harper had another bout of nausea
After a 3 hour nap, she woke up very hungry and ate a big lunch and then seemed back to normal. She played happily with Ava all afternoon, with only 2 little disagreements. One over a book and the other over whether they would listen to the stereo and dance, or watch TV (they now know how to turn on the stereo and adjust the volume, too).
After Papa took the girls back to Grandma Barb and I dropped off Rielee at her piano lesson, we met at James' football game at Cascade. Parker and Auna came along with me. James' played well but they lost in OT.

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