Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Lexi, Luke, Ava and Harper with their Great-Grandma
Kelly said Ava and Harper had fun going out with the kids, except Ava was nervous and kind of scared and didn't want to walk. She said Harper walked right up to every door for the candy and then asked for more.

We took Ava and Harper out for a little daytime trick-or-treating in the afternoon, first they went to see Parker, then Auna, Alan & Vera, and Cathy and Bob. Ava had a little issue with her foot again and wouldn't walk. (The last week she has had a reoccurring flashback of an owie on her foot, "no walk" she says and won't walk for an hour or so, then when she does, she walks on her heel) . After packing her in and out of just the 4 houses, I was glad that was as far as we were going.

They were anxious to check out their loot and couldn't wait to eat some of the Hershey's chocolate they got from Alan and Vera.

Auna went trick-or-treating with her friend Haylee this year. They were headed for Lexington to hit the big neighborhoods there.

Parker and Rielee stayed in Castle Rock for their trick-or-treating.

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