Thursday, April 1, 2021

Last of volleyball, Uncle and Josie

Macee and Rielee after Kelso beat Union in 3 on Monday.  Macee had come down and went to practice with Rielee on Friday and worked with the team on defense. 
Wednesday night they played their last match for the 3A/4A regional title against Camas.   Unfortunately, they lost in 5, but it was a joy to watch Rielee and the team fight so hard and play some great volleyball.  

Uncle enticed Josie today with a chair, of all things.  He brought out two of the little chairs, sat in one and patted the other.  She came crawling over, pulled herself up to it and patted on it, too.  Then he brought her up to sit on his lap for a second, she tolerated it so he feels like they're buddies now, ha!

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