Monday, April 19, 2021

Ava's soccer, Oobleck, zip line, selfies

Saturday we watched Ava play soccer at Rex Putnam High School in Portland.  After a year long break, it was so much fun to sit in the bleachers on a beautiful day and watch her team.  She played really well.  It ended with an exciting tie breaker with penalty kicks but the other team scored first.
Her biggest fan, ready to watch with her bag of snacks.
I mentioned that I bought cornstarch to make moon dough but they wanted to make Oobleck instead.  Strange stuff, they played with it all afternoon.
They hung out in the hot tub, played outside and then Rielee came over and they went on the zip line,

and took some cute selfies.

Parker even came over last night with Rielee and Kamalie and went for some rides.  

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