Sunday, November 22, 2020

Early Christmas

Since Ava has another game on Sunday, we got the girls for Thursday-Friday night instead.  We got out the Christmas decorations and put up our first artificial tree because, hey, it's 2020 and we really needed something festive.  

Friday, Kalyn brought Josie over to visit, she was in such a good mood.  

Ava read her a book,

and we showed her the light up toy with lots of buttons to push, she was fascinated with that. 
Keeping with the early Christmas theme, we made cookies, too.
Rielee came over and helped with the tree and they spent some time in the hot tub.

Saturday they went to play at Aunt Cathy's then Jillian and Bridget came up and they played Whoonu.  I just love how well these kiddos get along.


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