Sunday, July 23, 2017

Emmy & Dan's wedding

Emmy & Dan were married Saturday at Adeline Farms in Woodland.  Charb officiated, it was a beautiful, touching ceremony including Dan's brother reading a poem and Rielee playing the ukulele and singing "I Wanna Grow Old With You".  Emmy and Dan read vows they wrote to each other and also did a wine box ceremony, which was unique.

 Mr. & Mrs. Hodges

Rielee did a great job, especially since she was playing an electric ukulele for the first time.  She was a junior bridesmaid, Macee and Auna were bridesmaids and Ava and Harper were flower girls.
Emmy requested a picture with the Country Cousins.
They had a fun reception afterwards in the barn.  There were games outside, tacos for dinner, donuts and cupcakes for dessert and dancing that lasted until midnight.   

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