Saturday, July 15, 2017

Castle Rock Fair

 Ava and Rielee had a close boat race at the fair Friday afternoon.  They had fun playing the quarter games
and rode the ponies.  Ava was the only one who wanted to ride,

but Harper went along to keep her company.  I overheard the handler asking her if she liked riding horses and Harper answered "not really".  Neither one of them looked very happy, I think they missed having Rielee riding with them.  They also looked at all the animals, spending the most time with the chickens and bunnies. When we got home Rielee put the 4 fish she won in the Ping-Pong ball toss game in the pond.

Later in the evening Harper kept Rielee company as she worked on felt ornaments.  Ava stayed inside, setting up a store and 2 offices.

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