Saturday, June 3, 2017

Harper's cast

Harper came to stay with us Thursday, she was having a little pain in her foot and wasn't ready to walk yet on her cast.  The first thing she wanted to do was make cinnamon rolls, she loves them, and the dough.
She got the Jeep out to go to Alan and Vera's and show off her cast.  By Thursday night, and after hearing a pep talk from Dad, she was walking on it pretty well.  She stayed home from school Friday and, since Rielee was also staying with us, Ava came up to make it a slumber party.  They played outside and then had a "Jessie" marathon.  
Ava is so good at using the jewelry pliers, this morning she made some earrings for Mom and for a friend who is having a birthday. 
Yay! The hammock is up, always a momentous event at the start of summer.

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