Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Birthday week-Rielee, Charb, Macee

This is birthday week in our world-
Monday Rielee celebrated her 12th birthday at a party with family and her good friend Ruby.  Her cake was a little lopsided because when Parker was driving home with it someone cut him off and he had to slam on the brakes.  Still tasted great though!

Cousin Benny helped her open gifts and added lots of funny commentary.

After the party Ava and Harper spent the night with us.  Ava was up early and had her swimsuit on under her clothes.  It wasn't very warm out but she couldn't wait to get in the pool.  Harper was sad that she couldn't go in but was a pretty good sport about it, all in all.
Ava had a ball, I had to make her get out when her teeth started chattering.
Charbo-6 months
Today we celebrated this guy's 45th birthday,

Emmy and Macee at Emmy's shower
and tomorrow Macee will celebrate her 22nd birthday in Seattle.

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