Sunday, May 14, 2017

Parker, snail and Jeep

 Parker came over Saturday to help us install a new kitchen light fixture and spent his downtime teasing the girls.  We got a package with their flower girl dresses to try on, I had ordered 2 different ones, and of course they liked different ones.  Emmy and Dan picked their favorite, so that solved that.  Harper wanted to keep the other dresses in case someone else in the family got married this summer. When I said there isn't anyone else getting married, she asked "what about Auna?"  I explained that Auna is only 17, which led to a long discussion on how Auna and Daddy can be cousins when she's so much younger than him.  
Exciting find by Ava-a very big snail. 
Ava was fascinated by how it felt crawling across her hand, she was surprised how fast it went.  Harper wasn't as thrilled but did hold it.

Ava was having fun driving in the rain, even with an unhappy Harper, who was upset with herself for breaking her umbrella and having to use mine.

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