Sunday, May 7, 2017

Parker prom

Saturday morning we went to watch Auna and Rielee compete at Regionals in Portland.  I forgot my camera and left my phone in the car so - no pictures, darn.  It was really fun watching them play. 

We stopped by Charb & Kelly's on the way home to pick up Ava and Harper.  Rielee came over when she got home and they played outside.  Rielee climbed a tree, Ava and Harper tried to follow her up but couldn't make it very far. 
Parker and his buddy Anders stopped by on their way to meet up with their prom dates, they looked very handsome.
Ava was upset this morning.  She had wanted to go to the library yesterday to check out a book on Space, but it was closed by the time we got there.  I  thought it was open today but she brought me the library schedule in tears, crushed because it was closed.  I found her a website with info on the planets which placated her.  She set up a science lab in the play fort later, with her microscope and kid computer.  She and Harper had a fun day playing in the sunshine, riding around in the Jeep and on their scooters.  We had a fire pit lunch, and Papa took them to the bakery for dessert.

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