Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Busy, silly day

Ava won this morning's floof competition with her Cinderella sculpture. 

They were trying to get some birds to come and visit by building nests and playing bird songs.  Ava got upset because Harper played an owl and a hawk and she was sure all the other birds were scared away. 

Homework time, Auna came over to use our WIFI, theirs wasn't working right.  Rielee got some math help from her and called Dad later to get help with a couple other problems.

Rielee has been into Minecraft forever, now she's showing the girls how to play it. 

Doesn't take a whole lot to keep them happy, they had Cracker Jacks for a snack and watched The Wall tonight.  There was plenty of silliness to go around, they can crack each other up so easily.

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