Saturday, January 7, 2017

More snow

Ava and Harper came up Friday morning since Harper had been sick during the night.  As soon as we got here, Ava shut the playroom door and made up the bed in a special way so Harper could rest. Fortunately, Harper recovered quickly from her tummy problems and didn't need much rest.

She felt good enough to go outside in the afternoon and check out the ice and leftover snow.  They were worried about the fish in the pond but we assured them that the fish always survive. 

Ava pretended to be a conductor with an icicle she found on the play fort.

Rielee spent the night with us also Friday night, they did the usual-a blanket fort, games and a movie, all were tired so they were asleep early.  Today once we had a little snow, they tried sledding,

and had a great time.
 Rielee is in the process of re-doing her room, she just got the black shelves.  Here she is looking down at Harper, who was coming out from under the bed (and incredulous at how clean it was under there).  The girls were happy when Rielee gave them a couple of her old kitty posters.

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