Monday, January 9, 2017

More snow, no fun

Des was upset but unhurt as her car slid into the ditch this morning when she tried to turn into their driveway after taking Rielee to school.  It had snowed quite heavily this morning so there was a lot of slippery slush on the road.  She thought maybe Parker could pull it out but Gabe thought she should call a wrecker.  Fortunately, Fred is right up the road so he was here in a few minutes.  When he started to pull it out, her front end caught on a stump under the car, so Papa cut that off first. 
Parker brought his truck down and they used it as an anchor to pull the car up and over.  It still drove okay but the estimate was $4k to repair since the door was dented and it needs an alignment, new wheel and a part underneath.

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