Monday, October 24, 2016

Jewelry lesson, doctor store

 Sunday morning, the girls woke up at 7:30, having slept in their blanket fort again.  Breakfast and a bath and they were ready to play.  They wanted to do some beading.  Ava decided to try to make earrings but needed Papa's help.  They made me a cute pair, then she decided to strike out on her own and set up a "jewelry store" in the playroom.  She was having problems with her first customer (Harper's) order though, and had to shut the store down until she could get some more instruction.
They moved on to opening a "doctor store" - but had some issues over who was in charge.  Neither wanted to be the assistant or nurse, only the doctor.  Papa told them that everyone works together at the doctor's office, he got a band aid for a spot on his nose and I got a check-up, my reflexes were good but it seems I had a fever.
We moved on to playing with Legos, Play-Doh and then made cookies.  I looked at the clock and it was 10:30...break time for Grandma so I put on a Chipmunk episode.  Rielee came over later and started in on her Halloween house.  She got frustrated because it wasn't going together well at all, I tried to help, Ava,  Harper and Papa tried to put it together, and then we gave up.  With impossible design flaws, it went back to Michael's.

Ava enjoys being the older twin, even if it's only 11 minutes.  She likes being able to pack Harper around.  Harper tried to pick up Ava but her little legs started to shake and gave out quickly. 

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