Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Art store, carrot cake

 Jillian and Bridget came up to play Sunday afternoon.  They drew pictures and opened up an art store.  When Cathy came to pick them up, Jillian had made $4.25, but Cathy thought that was too much and only let her take home the quarter.  Ava and Harper play store all the time, it's one of their favorite activities.  We buy their stuff, they forget and leave the money here and we use it again the next time they're here.  Once in  awhile, they'll remember to save the money, but not very often. 
Before she got sick, Rielee had asked to make a carrot cake from scratch, so we had to get it done Sunday before she went home (she woke up feeling better with no fever).  Papa helped with the carrot shredding.  She was appalled by the looks of the batter and honestly, nobody wanted to lick the bowl.  The cake turned out great though.

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