Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Twins day off

 Harper got a removable splint for her elbow yesterday.  She's happy with it since she can hold a pencil and take it off to bathe or sleep (but hasn't wanted to sleep without it yet).  She and Ava came up to spend the night since they didn't have school today.  They were excited to have Rielee wake them up this morning, but Ava didn't feel like waking up and slept in a little instead. 
  Harper misses school so much and can't wait to go back but they made the most of their day off and were so silly.  They've been playing with a lot of energy lately and are always, always, trying to make each other laugh.  I had to stop Harper this morning as she was riding her scooter with her left leg over the handle while steering with her splint and almost rode into the wall!  We were wishing for some dry weather to get them outside but our only trip out was to the library, but they had fun there, of course.  Rielee had early release so she was back in the afternoon to play with them for an hour before she left for gymnastics. 

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