Monday, January 26, 2015

Rielee volleyball, Ava Harper scooters

 We watched Rielee play volleyball Sunday morning.  She played libero for the first matches. She was happy when she got to play front row after awhile, she likes to set the ball.  Her team struggled some, but had some wins by the end of the day.  She was happy about it, but a little tired this morning when I took her to sewing class (no school today).  Later I gave Parker a ride to and from basketball practice and enjoyed having time to visit with him in the car.
Harper and Ava came up at noon Sunday to spend the night with us.  They got busy right away playing dress-up, but when the sun came out they were ready to go for a scooter ride.  Harper bit it racing down from Laury and David's driveway, fortunately she stayed on the driveway while her scooter landed off on the side.  When Ava and I caught up to her she was standing there rubbing her backside and reassured us that she wasn't hurt, a little sore maybe, but no tears.  That was the end of the scooter riding for the day, they went inside to play dress-up,  Barbies and store.

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