Friday, January 2, 2015

Makeup Ravens

 Auna let the girls do her makeup yesterday.  I asked what they were going to call their makeup business, how about the "Makeup Mavens"?  Harper said they had to be the Ravens because at their school they're the Illahee Ravens.  They played Anna and Elsa all morning.
Our New Year's Eve was uneventful, the girls had a hard time going to sleep, they were really missing Mama.  They wanted a bowl of cereal so while they were eating we made a list of things to do in the morning, the first being "make donuts".  They went to sleep after that.  First thing they said in the morning was "OUR LIST, DONUTS!" so right after breakfast, we made some.  We had a fun New Years Day, playing and watching football in the afternoon with the Dolans.
Harper scootering down the driveway today as fast as she can go while cautious Ava walks hers down. 

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