Thursday, October 2, 2014



Wednesday afternoon the girls entertained themselves with a long session of "school".  Rielee was the teacher.  They did a lot of cutting and made some collage pictures.  Harper was also playing the role of Rielee's little girl.

This morning we got to Illahee a few minutes early and the girls asked if they could show us their playground.   Harper at first showed us how she could go down a  mini fireman's pole, but then remembered the high one, she went right down it and was really proud of herself.  Ava was a little hesitant, but wasn't going to be outdone by Harper, so she did it, too.  Then they both went down about 10 times each and we practically had to drag them away to get into school on time.
Their teacher let me come in for a second and snap a picture of them settling in their seats.  They love school but Ava did tell me that the days are "really long". 

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