Friday, October 3, 2014


 Settling down with popcorn and a Barbie movie.  Harper is wearing the vest from a dress-up outfit I got her a garage sale today, she said it was so "warm and comfy cozy".
It's nice now since school has started, after Papa has read to the girls, they are sleepy and readily go to bed without a fuss.  I say goodnight and then Papa.  But lately, they've been having conversations with him that last a little too long.  Tonight he was telling them to stay covered up at night so they didn't get cold, pretty soon I hear them discussing camping in the woods in snow and all about frostbite...after that he has them laughing hysterically, they love it and would talk to him all night.  This is where I have to be stern Grandma and tell them all to stop and go to sleep.  

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