Thursday, July 3, 2014

Wednesday at the beach

 We all slept in, then after breakfast we finished watching The Life of Pi with Rielee while the twins played upstairs.  The girls took turns vacuuming then played outside while Papa and I packed.  Papa took them to the playground so I could finish up cleaning.
 We stopped at Funland and they played lots of games.   Funny thing happened there, Rielee and Harper were playing a virtual reality game, I didn't pay attention when they started but suddenly they came flying out of it, shaking and saying it was too scary, there were aliens and zombies in it! 
Then we went to Marsha's and they saw Jake the Alligator Man, Ava and Harper were not impressed with him (too creepy, even though Ava said he looked like he was smiling) but Rielee sure was.  They all picked out some shells to buy, too.
 Next stop was the Merry Go Round. 
Rielee begged to go on the Tilt 'O Whirl, she had the whole ride to herself, and rode by herself since Papa and I weren't going on it and neither were the twins (they wanted to but we were afraid they would get sick) she said it was faster than it looked and she was a little wobbily-legged when she got off.
We stopped at the Astoria pool on the way home.  Rielee went down the big slide many times and Ava and Harper went down the little slide.  Harper went under water the first time and Ava got her face wet on her first time down, but after that they wanted me to catch them and keep them above the water.
Such a fun trip!

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