Saturday, July 12, 2014

Em & Parker

This morning Parker, Emmy and I went garage saleing.  We found a few treasures.  I got them both a mocha from Mr. Bill's and Emmy somehow dropped hers in a pair of shoes at one of the sales, she felt bad and bought the shoes.  The rest of the day was a productive one with Parker.  He washed the white truck and put it by the road to sell.  Then he washed and waxed our car while I washed the floor mats and the booster seat covers.  We went to see the new Planet of the Apes movie. Besides the fact that  I fell asleep for awhile and we were sitting in the refrigerated section of the theatre, it was pretty entertaining.  All evening he obsessed about buying a diesel truck, he showed me one on Craigslist he likes.  He even listened to one running on YouTube, loves that diesel sound.  Only 203 days until he can get his permit, he has a countdown app on his phone. 

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