Thursday, June 5, 2014

Luke's baseball, cold swimming

Last night we watched Luke play baseball.  His team won and he hit a single, stole 2nd and scored.  He made some nice plays in the outfield, too.
Harper asked if they could check the water in Rielee's pool this afternoon to see if it was warm yet.  Of course, they determined that it was warm enough for them.   They ran and got their swimsuits on and spent about 15 minutes splashing around and playing.  Rielee showed them how to do a cannon ball and then Harper surprised me by jumping in a couple of times.  Ava braved the shark but fell off it and went underwater.  She was upset but got over quickly and went back in.  Harper was out of the pool when it happened, she jumped up so fast and ran to the side to try to help.  She was upset, too,  until Ava calmed down.

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