Saturday, June 28, 2014

Fair crafts

The girls went to bed last night, just jumped right in, talked and giggled for about an hour and then konked out.  Rielee is spending the night tonight so they will be camping out on the floor. 
This afternoon they made a craft to enter in the fair-painted picture frames decorated with shells.  I was surprised at how long they worked on them.  Harper picked hers up to show Rielee and dropped it, losing half her shells so she had to start over again but she handled it quite well.
Harper was Ava's "baby" today and she curled up in their baby pack n' play with the new Tiana doll she found at a garage sale.  She also came home with a big frog, Ava found a new wallet and an ice cream maker, and they both got necklaces, bracelets, a jewelry box and a movie. Best part- we only spent $5.
We also went to the pet store and let them each pick out 2 goldfish to replace the ones that disappeared from the pond.  Harper wanted to get one that looked like Nemo.

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