Monday, May 26, 2014

Volleyball, softball, badminton

Auna, #12
Saturday we went to the UW to watch Auna play in the Emerald City Tournament.  She played for Team Yakima, the coach is Emmy's old coach from CWU, his daughter Tia plays on the team.  They won that match and the next two Saturday, but didn't fare as well in the Gold level Sunday and Monday.

Lexi with a base hit
Then we went to Kent to watch Lexi's team play at Regionals.  Unfortunately, they lost both games there,  but overall their season was a very good one! 

Today we were invited over to the Dolan's, first for Scrabble (I beat Emmy, Dan and Laury), and then for the opening of Badminton season.  Emmy and Dan got revenge for the Scrabble loss, beating Uncle and I in two, it was ugly (it's rumored that Dan played college badminton which explains our first badminton loss in many years to anyone with the name Dolan).  

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