Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Swim lessons

 The girls started swim lessons at the Y this morning.  Harper was gung ho, loving every minute of it.  There were only 4 kids in the class with 2 teachers so they got a lot of attention.
 Ava cried the first 10 minutes or so, but nothing like last year.  She clung to the teacher and wouldn't let go of her hand but the teacher just kept making her do everything the rest of the class did while trying to get her to relax and have fun. 
At one point Ava's teacher brought her over and laughingly told us that the only person in the pool that was more stubborn than Ava was her!  That look on Ava's face sums it up, she was having fun but didn't want to admit it.  The pool is so warm that it is impossible not to enjoy it.  By the end of the lesson, the teacher let go of  Ava and told her to swim (with her float belt on) to the side of the pool.  Ava did it and was so proud of herself.   At the end of the lesson, the teachers took the kids around the Lazy River, which they loved because they were going really fast.  They had Harper hang on to Ava's waist and pulled them both along, so fun for them!

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