Tuesday, January 14, 2014


The girls asked to paint today so we got the easel out and let them choose what paint colors they wanted.  Harper asked for silver, black and white.  First she made circles but her next painting was letters and numbers and then she painted a snowman.
 Ava said she was painting a "machine that gives milk", her next painting looked very similar and she said it was a machine that gave orange juice.
We took them to Chuck E. Cheese for lunch.  In the past they were too busy to eat anything, so this time they had to take a bite of pizza before they could get a token, Harper actually ate 2 slices.  They played a long game of air hockey.  Ava loved it but Harper got bored and walked away. There was a little boy watching so we asked him if he wanted to play with Ava and he did.  Ava was shy at first but then got into the game and had fun with him.

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