Sunday, January 5, 2014

Ava's solo act

Ava and Harper came up this morning to spend the night.  They played dress-up and combed their own hair, which means lots of spray, slicked back with clips and bows, and found some lipstick to wear.  Then they put on a show for which Ava asked for a "side pony" in her hair.  First they both danced to 4 songs each but then Ava changed it up, she wanted to sing by herself.  It was cute, she stood in front of Papa and I and sang 3 songs, very seriously.  Then she got the keyboard and played a couple of "songs", again very seriously.  Rielee showed up after that to play and they were busy all afternoon.  They ended the day with a surprise for us-they cleaned up the playroom and made us a "feast" consisting of fruit, pretzels, cookies, toast with jam and Ginger Ale!   Rielee went home at 6 and the twins had a bath, dinner, read books and were asleep at 8:30. 

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