Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Toothless Ava/ James on crutches

Ava was so excited to tell us about her lost tooth this morning, she and Harper bonked heads last night.  Most exciting for her was the tooth fairy leaving money under her pillow, "she's a FAIRY, Grandma!"  She felt just fine this morning, I thought she might be sore, but she sat down and made a 4 page card for her teacher, drawing pictures of herself, flowers, and letters on each page.  It was picture day at school, she said she smiled nicely with her mouth closed.  
James and Michelle stopped by tonight.  James got hurt Monday playing quarterback during the last play of his last JV game of the year.  What bad luck.  He had an MRI on his knee today and will find out the results tomorrow.  Hopefully, it's a strain and not a tear.  It didn't hurt his sense of humor, though, that's just as good as ever.

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